An Evening of Court
Saturday, February 20th, 2010
Court was held at a Brujah-held location, as per the Prince's demand. The evening was spent discussing the ever more bold efforts of the Sabbat upon the Domain of Gimli.
Later, an attack upon St. Vital Mall by the Sabbat monsters forced the more militant members of the Camarilla to mobilize and go on the offensive.
Dana and Faylinn share a meaningful look.
Jeremy, Mr. Blake, and AlexZandra sit discuss matters of courtly intrigue.
Danny Resplendant!
David and Dana discuss, while Faylinn reclines.
Prince Dominic and his Seneschal Mr. Blake, residing over court.
Landis and Vinchenzo make a deal.
Phillipe is not to be messed with.
Mr. Masters and Mr. Stark engage in the age old Ventrue Tradition of being Better than you.
Timmy will kill you with his eyes. And his fists.
The Kindred deal with a Sabbat menace in St Vital Mall.
Drake just can't stop smoking, even though Kindred don't breathe.
Phillipe's disturbing manner make Karen and Mynos vaguely uncomfortable.
Vakhlad and Vincenzo discuss their options with the deadly Sakura.
Elderon plays Danny a recent composition.
Wide angle shot of roughly half the court, kicking back and relaxing.
ST Kazu turns up the heat on Solnaria and Timmy!