All Hail David Anderson, Prince of Gimli!
Saturday, December 11th, 2010
Prince Tiburon is dead, murdered at the hands of Dominic, who now rules the Domain. And yet rumors persist of this new Prince committing hideous acts of cannibalism, and is barely in control of the beast within.
The Primogen Council fights against this usurper Prince. Within their ranks, Primogen David Anderson rises up, and declares Praxis.
When the dust settles, Dominic meets Final death, and David Anderson is hailed as the newest Prince of Gimli.
Landis mourns the ashes of Dominic, his fallen clanmate. No matter Dominic's actions, the Brujah sense of brotherhood is strong.
The moment Tristan Blake realizes this extended Ventrue meeting was a ruse to separate him from his ally Dominic. He went on to call in a bomb threat at Elysium, and then vanish from the Domain.
The Complete Clan Ventrue! From Left to right: Tristan Blake, Lewis Smithe, Maranda Ashcroft, Victor Lancaster. Front: Darren Lincon.
The newest addition to the Domain is Alexander Jormungandrson. This Setite is a proud Anarch, and talented Brewer. Come taste his delicious drinks!
The Tremere Primogen James oversees the transition of power with the barest hint of a smile on his face. All according to plan, perhaps?
Scourge Danny relaxes in the aftermath of battle with the the Anarch Alexander. Perhaps they're sharing recipes, from cook to brewer?
Primogen James, Prince Anderson, and Seneschal Vincenzo enjoy a Victory toast. The Prince is dead, long live the Prince.
Prince Anderson gives his first speech to the assembled Court of Gimli.
Jeremy shows the new Assamite why the Children of Haquim are infinitely more badass. With pectoral persuasion!