Rumbles from the Rabble
Saturday, March 19th, 2011
The Brujah of the city are acting a little more angry than usual, and their mythic strength has increased. Meanwhile, the Camarilla secures the Masquerade against a group of Sabbat in the midst of a bank robbery.
Mynos introduces himself to Sue Jenkins. Though they dress very different, they can both agree on cracking heads. Brujah Brotherhood!
Primogen Landis does some breathing exercises. Must... not... beat... up... everyone...
The Giovanni Necromancer, who's command over the dead is the subject of whispered dread amongst the Court, likes cookies.
When you set out the seating arrangements, putting the Tremere Mr. White next to the Child of Haqim Jeremy was a definate blunder. Awkward!
When Primogen Faylinn starts giggling, bad things are happening.
Solnaria shows Danny her invisible pet. Oh, those crazy Malkavians.
Be Vewwy Vewwy Quiet, Jeremy's hunting Tremere!
Dana Abernathy puts up her dukes, to show her fighting prowess. Jeremy and Danny's face are a priceless response.