Omens of Doom
Saturday, April 30th, 2011
The Sabbat have been defeated... or are they? Gimli's resident Oracle thinks that that the problems of the Domain are just beginning...
Nako is our New Storyteller! All Hail Nako!
Timothy Vonhoss returns, in all his Ventrue Glory.
The Prince lays down the decree to his Court Officers, who stand at attention.
Primogen Howell and Marcel await their moment to speak to the Prince.
Sad Primogen Howell is sad.
The Court are seated for Court's beginning. But what's that Faylinn is drawing?
... oh, it's fruit. Perhaps it's forboding fruit. Or Forbidden fruit. Yes, the forbidden fruit that all Kindred hunger for, the original sin of humankind! Or possibly just fruit.
Prince and Seneschal talk. Well, the Prince talks, the Seneschal signs. It's been a tricky couple of weeks of Muteness for our unstable Seneschal. Hopefully she'll get better.
Brent the Brujah has a joke you just gotta hear!
The Seneschal is profoundly disturbed, but has difficulty with telling the Court what happened. Her silent screams are disturbing to watch.
Marcel Boudreau completes his accounting, and is now a Camarilla Kindred. He will be a potent warrior against our foes!
Lesser Harpy White and the Prince compare notes. Magical, mysterious notes.
Hungry and insolent? Michael the Brujah can cook you up a knuckle sandwich. Plus, he delivers! You get a choice of sides, pain or suffering, but just this week, you get both for free.
Uh oh. This conspiratorial discussion just can't be good.
Sometimes, just sometimes, Primogen Faylinn Abernathy is happy. Usually it's when something horrible happens.
A duo of Toreador do Toreador things together. There's an apple involved. It's strange and weird.
Listen to the Prince, he be talking!
This is not a comfortable seating arrangement. That chair between might as well be a chasm between Ventrue and Brujah.
Thank goodness, we can relax. Jeremy is here. And he's here to clean house, like a maid with swords.
The Prince tries a rap session with the Court, to break it down all street. Social disaster follows.
Expressions are Grim as the Prince gives news that the Lasombra still haunts the domain, like a vengeful shadows of horror. And then wishes us good luck returning to our Lairs. Under the cover of darkness. Alone.