A Holiday Celebration of Survival
Saturday, December 10th, 2011
The year has been terrible indeed, and the survivors of the Gimli Domain hold a celebration of their surviving the year. This celebration was marred by the terrible revelation that Gangrel David Anderson is a cannibal. Nosferatu rejoice, David Anderson, is no more.
"What, I like chess. Maybe this tough tattooed Tremere has some layers. Sit down and play, or go fuck yourself."
Old Man Franklin sports a rare smile. Half price sale on Bengay and Polident?
The Brujah attempt a serious, focused Clan Meeting.
The Brujah Clan meeting, Seconds later.
Harpy Ashley has his hands full this evening. So... many... updates!
The Gangrel have a meeting of their own. David assures them that he's not a cannibal.
"Hey David, did you hear that the Prince has a magic bone that can detect lies?"
"David, touch my bone and answer the question. Don't make this weird."
It's too late, you're now deeply in love with Tomas.
Tomas and Harpy Ashley have a pre-Clan meeting strategy session on who's prettiest. It's very important.
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Harpy Ashley waits to see whether or not he'll need to erase the poor Malkavian from the books, as Justin Markum antagonizes Alan Landis.
"Stupid Malkavian... should've beaten... OOH! MARMADUKE!" Little known secret about Alan Landis, he LOVES Marmaduke.
The argument on who is the prettiest princess in the room rages on at the Toreador table.
The Toreador meeting rages on. Oh the backbiting and cattiness!
Etta Parker sports flapper wear, a dilettante amongst commoners.
In a war of creepiness, it's Mask vs. sensible Cardigan. Both are mesmerizing.
Mike and James chat quietly in the halls, away from prying eyes. Don't worry James, The Children of Haqim don't devour other Kindred. At least, not anymore.
Mr. White challenges John Numpagio to chess. It is on!
Mr. White considers his next move. He knows that John is a fiery sort, and will act with his gut rather than his head. Calculating coldly, he makes his move.
Fuck that. John has layers, remember? He can be stone cold like a mofo when he need be. Mr. White has found a worthy opponent.
Late in the game, Mr. White and John Numpagio battle it out.
At another table, Keeper Jenny begins to deal the cards. Trust the Ravnos!
Nothing up his sleeve... and presto chango! One marked card! Yeah... don't trust the Ravnos.
Mynos quietly fills Turquoise in on Sue's strange, dangerous powers.
The Toreador ALWAYS gets the last word.