Auctions and Court Games
Saturday, June 15th, 2013
With Gimli feeling a measure of peace, the Court turns inward. Focusing on the mortal affairs, and of each other. Hungry ambition drives some to talk of consolidation, of gathering power. But to what end?
Seneschal Etta Parker and Prince Mynos play a dangerous game...
... a dangerous game of hangman.
The lovely Toreador Grace Avery challenges the Court to a puzzle! Can they figure out the answer before that stick figure swings?
Ventrue Ambare Davidavitch doesn't play games.
Mystogen wonders what Lucan would taste like after being dipped in melted butter. Mmmm... delicious Gangrel Gumbo!
James Robertson should probably check his wallet. There's a Ravnos behind him!
Lucan quietly confers with the Prince. Plotting is afoot!
Trouble brews between The Toreador and the Children of Haqim. Are the Primogen fighting? A Lover's Quarrel? Or is Grace just "expressing herself"?
"But seriously, I'm Prince and I demand to know the answer to this hangman puzzle behind me."