Fred By Night
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008
Wrapping up for the night.
Oh, sure, it is probably funny as hell NOW, but you wait and see...
Scheming? Yeah, probably scheming.
A board game that involves mirrors... where is our Lasombra?
The clans receiving their to-do lists for the week
Court time!
Jacob Torvil of the Tremere tries his levitation trick...keep working on it.
Dominic Angry! Dominic SMASH!
David the Gangrel contemplates his next move
Father Angelo and his ghoul Tony
Primogen Arjun and his Broodmate Jeremy
If I stand next to the Keeper, perhaps they won\'t suspect me
Dante Machiavelli
Keegan Meeks...the out of time ghoul
Milo to Seth - I can move monkeys with the power of my mind!
Prince Solnaria...she\'s taller than she looks
Philippe the Samedi - did someone say Death?
The Malks and Mr. E...discussing...Evil?
Troublemakers looking for trouble to make
Tremere Jockularity!
Harpy Landis, pausing before about to explode
Elderon, looking down at people
Keeper Grover, walk tall and keep your hands where I can see them!
Yes, it IS as comfortable as it looks!
A creepy combination of court characters
Primogen Tony Smithe
Mr. E.... the E is for Evil?
New Torry Primogen, Courtney
Signing in
Malks discussing Evil
Pre game chat-up and coffees