Sang Nordique

Online Resources

Sang Noridique uses some common documents, that we are happy to make available for download here. Click on the file name to download. Clink on the file type to download for more information on how to access that file. Please be sure to note the file size before starting your download.

Please remember to contact your Council Member for any packets you may need!

Vampire The Masquerade

Vampire: The Masquerade was published by White White, in their now out-of-print original World Of Darkness setting. These are some websites where you can still find information about the game, and purchase official PDFs.

Link Description
White Wolf Publishing

Publisher of the original World Of Darkness setting, of which Laws Of The Night Revised is part of.


A Highly useful method of recording your character's various exploits, experience point expenditures, and it even prints a nice sheet to bring to game. Used by the Storytellers of Sang Nordique, it is a highly useful tool, and very much recommended.

Laws of the Night Revised Character Sheet

This is a PDF file of the Laws of the Night Revised Character sheet.

Mind's Eye Theatre Character Sheet

An alternative Mind's Eye Theatre Character Sheet.

One World By Night

Homepage of the worldwide LARP organization our chronicle is part of. It has recently been updated and expanded to include an excellent layout, and a great deal of information.

White Wolf Wiki

An official, searchable World Of Darkness wiki, created by White Wolf Publishing.

Getting the Rule Books

Because the Revised Laws of the Night rulebook and all Old World of Darkness books are out of print, the existing books we have are getting increasingly precious. Here is just the place you can go to purchase the Laws of the Night Rules.

Link Description

As our Laws of the Night Books wear out, we'll need something to replace them. DrivethruRPG allows us to get the rule books in a digital format. While it just won't be the same as flipping through the actual books, at least you will have access to the rules you need.

Check out their bundle deals, which collect several of the Laws of the Night revised books into one cheap payment.

One World By Night

One World By Night is an organization of many interlinked World Of Darkness live-action games. These are the links to some of those chronicles.

Link Description
Camarilla Wiki

The One World by Night Wikipedia project for the Camarilla Sect. This site is informational, intended to show Status and common knowledge of those members of the Camarilla.

Within Shadow's Reach

A vampire LARP in Fargo, North Dakota


Links to conventions and regular gaming-related gatherings.

Link Description

June 12-16, 2019


May 17-19, 2019


June 14-16, 2019


August 1-4, 2019

Midwinter Gaming Convention

January 9-12, 2020

CoreCon Fargo

May 23 - 26, 2019

Photo Attribution

Some of the photos used on this site were provided by Creative Commons sets on If you are interested in any of them, we welcome you to explore more of the photographers' work online...

Link Description
AJ Batac

For "Super 8 Camera", taken on January 20, 2012, "Waterfront Park", taken on April 21, 2012, "University of Winnipeg", taken on May 12, 2012, and "Winnipeg City - One November Night", taken on November 6, 2012.

Cassandra Panayiotopoulos

For "Crowd", taken on April 19, 2011 with a Canon EOS 20D.

Jef Fisher

For "Clock", taken on July 27, 2010 with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi

Jennifer Boyer

For "Kilmainham Gaol", taken on May 10, 2012 with a Nikon D90

Jeroen van Luin

For "Throne Of Queen Beatri", take on September 9, 2012 and for "Parliment Acts", taken on November 17, 2011, both taken with a Canon EOS 450D

Nick Long

For "Easy Combination", taken on February 12, 2011 with a Nikon D7000

Tim Green

For "Tree Root", taken on October 7, 2007 with a Nikon D40X

Tom Garnett

For "Plates", taken on June 3, 2012 with a Canon EOS 20D

Tony Kamenick

For "Mailboxes", take on October 27, 2009 with a Canon EOS 40D

Miscellaneous Links

Miscellaneous links that might be useful when thinking about themes, settings, and backgrounds.

Link Description
Asylum Eclectica

Experience the Morbid... and sign up for the Morbid Fact du Jour. Warning: some portions of this site, and most of the links from it, are not for the faint of heart!

Builder Online

Looking for a good haven? Pick a mansion or a cottage from these on-line house plans.